Simple Magic Audio Enhancer

Simple Magic Audio Enhancer

Simple Magic, Inc
Версия 5.3
Безплатна пробна версия
0.39 MB
Проверена сигурност
Проверена сигурност
Winamp плъгин за редактиране и подобряване на музиката

If you are a lover of music and recorded speech you probably know that not all MP3s were made equal. If your favourite song has been ruined by a persistent background hiss, or just lacking in oomph, the Simple Magic Audio Enhancer is the tool for you.
This DSP Winamp Plugin gives you amazing control over what you listen to and how it sounds. Guide your way through the stylish new interface to tweak your audio experience. Raise or lower the volume as you see fit, or tweak the stereo effects. Get the most out of your speaker system by inserting 3D surround sound, and feel the music through your whole body by boosting the bass. Satisfy the true audiophile in you by optimising your MP3s for headphones!
The Simple Magic Audio Enhancer also lets you touch up the poorer quality files, using its high fidelity restoration. Use your full processing power along with the speech and music processing modes to get the most out of your listening experience.
The Simple Magic Audio Enhancer comes in a free trial version, trimmed down but still very useful, so you can get a taste of just what is possible. If you are passionate about sound though, this one is a no brainer!

Simple Magic Audio Enhancer
Simple Magic Audio Enhancer
Simple Magic, Inc
Версия 5.3
Безплатна пробна версия
0.39 MB
Проверена сигурност
Сравнение на алтернативните програми:
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Име на приложение
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